Jen and Col's Excellent Adventure

Saturday, December 10, 2005

New York New York

So great they named it twice.

Everything in New York runs at double pace and there's no time for niceties, so in true New York Style here's a whistle stop tour of New York. You Ready?

We arrived at night and stayed just off Times Square which was like...(turn monitors to the right, we're using old gear here)

and we had a genuine american McDonald's from the famous 24 hour Times Square restaurant- they taste just the same!!

We did all the usual touristy things. Had a look at Central Park and went up the Empire State Building. We took this...

to see that...

Saw a show on Broadway (actually ON Broadway, not just on Broadway, there is a difference apparently), Fiddler on the Roof with Rosie O'Donnell and some fellow with a funny voice (Harvey Firestein maybe?). We ate in some diners. Rode the subway and didn't get mugged (feels kinda like the Warriors if you've seen the film), and hopped on and off buses like we were locals. Here's a picture of Jen daringly standing next to a bus stop (look carefully, it's like a joke)...

Oh, and we had Manhattans in Manhattan. And we happened to be around for Thanksgiving and saw Macy's parade - lots of big balloons kinda like this... turn your head to the left this time (and we'll try and find somewhere that can handle rotating the photos next time)....

Almost forgot, Col was getting itchy fingers so invested in a lovely little Ukulele which will have a sticker for every place we stay. Here's the first sticker of many...

Closing thoughts on New York? Great city but boy aren't they rude! Nearly every car is a Yellow cab and it looks just like it does on TV, only contrary to 'Sex and the City' the streets are not lined with beautiful people wearing designer clothing - its all tourists huddled in their coats cos its freezing in November.

OK, all done, see you all in Seattle.


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