Jen and Col's Excellent Adventure

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Farewell Canada ('til next time)

Enough with the skiing already!!!

Time to quit while we're ahead, or rather still in one piece. Well two pieces I suppose, one each. Anyhow, enough, places to be and things to see.

We spent the final month in Fernie living with Jim and Liza and little Remi (all pictured below), also Assaf and Tara. Larry turned up for the last week or so and should be currently enjoying our old room. And a merry time was had, what with group dinners and new people to ski with.

Final tallies were....

75 days for Col, and about 10 less for Jen

Injuries included....

Jen's weird finger thing - it kinda pops out when she's asleep.

Jen's knees - they need to spend some time on a beach. This is part of the reason for Jen's absences from the slopes, that and her inherent laziness (her words, not mine).

Col's thumb - to match the one I hurt last year, I skied into a tree. I now know what it feels like to be female - I have no grip strength and am unable to open jars.

Col's middle finger, left hand - Jen shut it in a car door. She laughed when she did it and she laughed as I wrote this.

Col's middle finger again - fell down stairs (while sober) and bent the top back. It hurt. A lot.

Anyway, been there, done that. Time to head for Calgary and adventures new - minus all our skiing gear mind, need an excuse to come back next year. Somebody chalk it up in the LPT diary. So, we got a lift with Mark, and Sam came too. Went to the Olympic Centre with Mark to watch him do his bobsled run and met up there with Dave (check back to the Inca Trail if you don't remember Dave) one of our hosts for the next couple of days.

Spent the evening with Dave, Claire (our other host, Inca Trail again) and Sam at the Calgary Tower trying to persuade Jen to stand on the glass floor, and then at Montana's where I had the "All You Can Eat" Ribs - or "You Can All Eat" Ribs as it turned out, except for Jen of course who had side orders.

The next day Dave chauffered Jen, Sam and me around the wondrous sites of Calgary. It felt just like Ferris Bueller's Day Off, one adventure after another, there was the Post Office (?), the mall, the indoor driving range (piccy below), Canadian Tire (you can buy guns!!!), the Ship and Anchor (where Claire joined the fun) , and finally canadian five-pin bowling - did the Brits beat the locals? I think they did.

So thanks to Dave and Claire for putting us up for a couple of nights, and for getting us to the airport on time. Here's a picture of Claire looking a lot cleaner than in Peru - everybody say hello (and if somebody wants to remind us of the cat's name that would be great).

Cheers Dave - say hello to Auby the giant cat (it's pronounced Obi).

So that was Canada. It's all good.


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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:44 am  

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